Wednesday, May 13, 2015

10 Graphic Design Trend for 2015

2014 is rumored to be the year when graphic designers throw caution to the wind and start creating some of the revolutionary work that will mark a high point in the history of design. Eager to find out more, we took a peek into the near future to see for ourselves if the rumors were true. Here’s what we found.

1. Materialistic Designing

This technique of designing that has gained a very remarkable reception in the global designing community is a fresh concept invented by Google back in the June of 2014. By the end of the preceding year, couple of websites has implemented material designing techniques into their infrastructures both for the web portals and the mobile platform. 

2. Flat Design

In search of visual clarity and ease of communication, flat design is now commonplace and shading, reflections and beveled edges are a thing of the past. Flat design is a trend that doesn’t use drop shadows or gradients which therefore gives it an updated and clean look. The flat design is also a more colorful and crisp design rather than the old fashioned ‘splash’ design.

3. Interactive Infographics

Flat design is a trend that doesn’t use drop shadows or gradients which therefore gives it an updated and clean look. Flat design emphasizes functionality and ease-of-use over looks. The flat design is also a more colorful and crisp design rather than the old fashioned ‘splash’ design.

4. 3D printing

Don’t panic; flat design doesn’t bring about the total demise of dimensionality and new opportunities brought about by 3D printing allow 3D designs to enter the real world. The prospect of job opportunities in this area has many graphic designers using their existing skills to retrain in 3D printed design. Popular software makes this process easier with more user friendly systems.

5. Card Design

Card design has already been used in a couple of products of its own by Google and has been a very popular graphic designing trend in 2014 with having great potential in the year of 2015 as well. Card designing is now gaining fast momentum on various sites for both mini and big formats of the web.

6. SVG

Scalable Vector Graphics or SVG, in short, possess many advantages and powers which a lot of huge and stuffed graphics is unable to achieve at times. The 2015 era is indeed the right one to use brilliantly created two-dimensional graphics with such ideas and creativity that the viewer simply can’t resist praising. Plus, with additional great browser support at hand, a designer would only be dull and reckless if he or she does not obtain the benefits of SVG on the websites they create.

7. Style Tiles

It can be referred to as the light versions of designing guidelines or pyramid. This trend is highly useful when in application into responsive websites. Instead, for a designer to design in several screens in Adobe Photoshop, with an aid of Style Tiles, one can put their energy on structuring a visual style apart from the layout and the actual architecture. This creates great convenience to make wire-frames in the parallel, a major graphic designing trend for 2015.

8. Animated Graphics

Graphics that interacts in real time are the benchmarks of quality for any website today. A short and little but concise and witty graphical animations could bring your viewers into a bowing position for the wit and humor you display with great efficiency in execution. Mark the words, animated graphics is a sure continues hot trends for graphic designing in 2015 and beyond for sure.

9. Lettering/ Typography

As the time progresses in the couple of recent years, Lettering for exact meaning has evolved and become better, bolder, bigger and efficient too. Now, as we step in 2015, we should expect fonts becoming more and more useful and improved. Web lettering has come to us in leaps and bounds over the course of last 5 years. 

New era new trend, as much you should go on the way of recent trend to have updated in design. If you don’t track most recent trend you get backdated and not so perfect for the time. So you should keep in mind about right and time being inclination.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

5 Best Tips for Stunning Food Photography

Food photography is a still life specialization of commercial photography, aimed at producing attractive photographs of food for a variety of uses including in advertisements, magazines, packaging, menus or cookbooks. Professional food photography is a collaborative effort, usually involving an art director, a photographer, a food stylist, a prop stylist and their assistants. 

Food Photography Tips

In addition to choosing, preparing and composing plated food, food stylists use numerous techniques to make appear the food as attractive as possible.              

1. Lighting

One of the best places to photograph food is by a window where there is plenty of natural light – perhaps supported with flash bounced off a ceiling or wall to give more balanced lighting that cuts out the shadows. This daylight helps to keep the food looking much more natural. 

2. Props

Pay attention not only to the arrangement of the food itself but to the context that you put it in including the plate or bowl and any table settings around it. 

3. Be Quick

Food doesn’t keep its appetizing look for long time. So as a photographer you’ll need to be well prepared and able to shoot quickly after it’s been cooked before it melts, collapses, wilts or changes color. 

4. Style it

The way food is set out on the plate is as important as the way you photograph it. Pay attention to the balance of food in a shot and leave a way into the shot. One of the best ways to learn is to get some cook books to see how the pros do it. 

5. Steam

Having steam rising off your food can give it a ‘just cooked’ feel which some food Best Photographers like. Of course this can be difficult to achieve naturally.

 Since, food photography aimed to appealing the customers with your photos so it should high  terrific to look as well. So, try to capture awesome food pictures.